WomenStrong United States

Bread for the City WomenStrong-DC

WomenStrong United States

Bread for the City WomenStrong-DC


United States


Lynda Brown
Providing vulnerable women of southeast Washington, DC, with comprehensive services in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.

Our Work Together

The experience of women in Southeast Washington, D.C., may have more in common with women in Kenya than with women across town. The struggles and hardships of poor women everywhere are much the same. HIV/AIDS and domestic violence plague both DC and Kisumu, althought D.C.’s gun violence is far worse. WomenStrong and Bread for the City offer Washington women the services of trained Wellness Coordinators to help with emotional and physical issues, financial literacy and pre-employment classes, and the opportunity to come together in workshops and clubs to share, rebuild confidence and become leaders in their community, knowing that other women have their back.

Progress on the Ground

Blog Posts from the front lines and useful tools for forging change.