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Getting Ahead by Getting Educated: Some Best Practices from West Africa

Getting Ahead by Getting Educated: Some Best Practices from West Africa

[[callout “All girls, no matter how poor, isolated or disadvantaged they are, should be able to attend school regularly and without the interruption of early pregnancy, forced marriage, maternal injuries and death, and unequal burdens such as household chores and childcare.”]]

UNESCO/UNICEF (2013), Report of the Global Thematic Consultation on Education in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

This seems so basic, right? To help move things forward, see this great Compilation of Good Practices in Girls’ and Women’s Education in West Africa, prepared by the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative; a terrific template for collecting great teaching and learning practices is accompanied by a set of thoughtful recommendations and 10 enlightening case studies from around West Africa that acknowledge the need to generate income and competing pulls on adult learners’ time:

[[resource-card 40]]

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