Women and girls have a fundamental right to safety. This safety is a precursor to development and growth, in order for girls and women to be able to build more prosperous lives for themselves, their families, their communities and their country. This week’s Girls’ Leadership Forum post features women from Washington, DC, Kenya, and Haiti sharing what makes them safe or vulnerable at home.

Scholastica Kakai, Kenya

For women in Kenya, paying their children’s school fees is a major financial challenge. When their children are out of school, not only are they missing out on their education, but they’re also vulnerable to the dangers of the street. In this Girls’ Leadership Forum video, Scholastica describes what makes her feel safe financially.

Nancy Inonda, Kenya

Across the developing world, micro-loans make it possible to grow businesses and expand income-generating activities. But unpaid loans can cause insecurity, especially due to some of the predatory lenders poised to take advantage of less-educated women.

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More from WomenStrong

June 24, 2024

Walking the Talk and Talking the Walk: Our Updated Set of WomenStrong Values

Mission-driven organizations typically know what we want to achieve and why. We know what we value, don’t we? But why should organizational values, those passion-filled words and phrases that guide our work, stay stagnant, when organizations themselves grow, adapt, and change? As a learning organization, the WomenStrong International team regularly… Continue Reading