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Teaching Marketable Skills Through Crochet

In the weekly Crochet class at WomenStrong-DC, participants learn the basics of crochet — how to do basic stitches, read crochet patterns and create projects. Crochet is a process of creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn, thread or strands of other materials, using a crochet hook. WSDC uses the class to fulfill three purposes:

1) to impart valuable life lessons, such as focus and follow through, positive social behaviors and persistence,

2) to teach marketable skills that the participants can use to create items that they can potentially sell for income,

3) to relieve stress. We’ve found in our work that crochet can also help to build a participant’s low self–esteem.

See below the following short essay submitted by participant Sylvia Ford Scott about her experience in the class.

“Sylvia Ford Scott”

“My name is Sylvia Ford Scott, and I am a 58-year-old WomenStrong-DC (WSDC) participant. My journey at Bread for the City began years ago when I was a volunteer, serving as the Clothing Room Coordinator. I am a very active participant in many of the WomenStrong activities and events. I consider myself to be a leader among the group.”

“One of the activities I really enjoy participating in is the Crochet class because it allows me to express myself through art. The Crochet class has also allowed me to help others in the community to become entrepreneurs. I have been able to help so many people, such as my church members, friends and family. My skills have increased, and I am making things that at one time I thought were impossible! This has opened a gateway for me to start an Arts and Crafts program with WomenStrong-DC. I love arts and crafts.”

–Sylvia Ford Scott

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