Building Computer Literacy: A Path to a Better Life

Classes and workshops are an integral part of the programming at Bread for the City’s WomenStrong-DC, providing participants with marketable skills that they can use for economic and education benefits, such as job searches and completing online applications. Among these classes, the weekly computer class is hands-on, allowing participants to learn basic keyboarding skills and how to use a mouse, browse the Internet and establish and maintain an email account.
“Ms. Helen attends class.”
Ms. Helen is an active participant in the WomenStrong-DC (WSDC) program who attends not only the computer class, but also the Walking Club, the “Let’s Talk” peer discussion sessions, Women’s Wellness Day programming and more. Ms. Helen, who now meets regularly with her Wellness Coordinator to discuss progress and to obtain help in applying for jobs, says that building her computer literacy skills has been among the most valuable classes she has taken at WSDC.
A wonderfully positive person, no one was aware of the numerous hardships Ms. Helen faced in her day-to-day life. Not only is she unemployed, but she didn’t have sufficient furniture in her home and had been forced to sleep on the floor. As her relationship with her Wellness Coordinator grew and Ms. Helen felt increasingly comfortable sharing the details of her life, she was referred to a partner agency where she could obtain some furniture.
In June 2015, Ms. Helen was able to receive a bed, sofa, television, air conditioner and table. Bread for the City staff assisted her with the pick-up and delivery. With assistance from her Wellness Coordinator and the skills she is learning in the computer class, Ms. Helen is confident that she also will secure a job soon. She is grateful for the WSDC program and is a proud participant.