Gender Norms

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    Guide: Gender-Sensitive Teaching Training

    This guide shares insights on the design and creation of gender-sensitive curricula that will support girls in realizing their full potential. Authored by WomenStrong partners, Visionaria Network from Peru and Girls Empowerment Network – GENET from Malawi, the guide explores experiences from two different organizations that share similar strategies to… Continue Reading

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    Video Series: Purpurina

    Purpurina is a Spanish-language video series produced by WomenStrong partner Mujeres Aliadas, designed to provide a fun, non-judgemental way for adolescents to navigate the issues of puberty. The series include five videos that cover everything from being confident in your appearance, to sexual autonomy, to topics of gender and… Continue Reading

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    Gender Soccer Matches: A Hook for Gender Equality

    The video includes interviews with coaches, girls, and boys, who talk about the benefits of girls playing soccer. It dispels stereotypes about girls and sports -- and presents an upbeat, empowering message about gender equality. Continue Reading

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    Gender 101 Webinar: 5 Things You Need To Know About Gender

    How do gender norms – society’s expectations about how men and women and boys and girls should look and behave – affect educational outcomes for girls? What does this mean for program design and evaluation? And what is gender, anyway? Those are the questions discussed in WomenStrong International’s September webinar… Continue Reading

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    Strong Girls Make Strong Women – Girls’ Club Handbook

    Our Handbook was developed in partnership with WomenStrong founding members in Ghana, Kenya, India, and Haiti, based on their experiences running Girls’ Clubs for over 10,000 girls and boys. It incorporates best practices promoted by renowned youth development and life skills education specialists worldwide. Our Handbook includes a step-by-step guide… Continue Reading