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Key Tools and Core Strategies WomenStrong Uses on the Ground

Key Tools and Core Strategies WomenStrong Uses on the Ground

WSI Consortium members make use of any and all entry points, applications and tools, both digital and on-the-ground, that can be useful in gathering information, engaging the broadest array of stakeholders and implementing change within their local communities and far beyond.

Core Strategies

Women and girls together, meeting and working in groups, are the atomic organizational unit and empowerment center in every WSI site.
– The women’s and girls’ stated needs and aspirations drive and illuminate all programming and partnerships. These change.

Key Tools

– Reproductive health screenings, health education and enabling access to qualified health resources.
Training as needed, in financial literacy, literacy, job skills and advocacy skills.
– The development and uses of social capital as a source of personal strength, a glue binding families and communities and a convertible medium of exchange leading to greater economic empowerment and financial inclusion. Learn more about how Social Capital Credits or SoCCs work as a transformative community currency and counter poverty with empowerment and action .
Participatory monitoring, learning and evaluation, driven by women’s and girls’ stories and their sense of change in their own lives and in the life of their community. This work is led for WomenStrong by Action Evaluation Collaborative as described here .
– Our digital online platform, where the experiences and observations of participating women and girls, staff members, project directors and like-minded NGO partners can be shared. WSI’s technical partner, connecting women and girls worldwide, is Threespot , a digital agency based in Washington, D.C..

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