Rose-Marie Chierici is a founding member of Haiti Outreach – *pwoje espwa* (H.O.P.E.). She has been with the organization since it began work in Borgne, Haiti, in June 1995 and has served as Executive Director since 1997.
Rose-Marie is a native Haitian whose passion for social justice and equity led her back to her homeland to work in community development. She is an applied anthropologist who specializes in development, with a focus on medical anthropology and grassroots community development. In 2006, she led H.O.P.E. through a successful partnership with Haiti’s Ministry of Health (MSPP), to form *Alyans Sante Borgne* (ASB). Since then, ASB successfully deployed *Sante Nan Lakou*, an innovative, commune-wide model of health delivery. H.O.P.E. partners with international and local organizations and foundations on programs in health, education, economic development and on initiatives that strengthen civil society. In Borgne, H.O.P.E. collaborates with grassroots organizations and volunteer groups on projects that respond to the needs and wishes of the community. H.O.P.E. is a tax-deductible (501(c)3), volunteer-run organization headquartered in Rochester, NY.
In her capacity as H.O.P.E.’s Executive Director, Rose-Marie coordinates and oversees H.O.P.E. activities in Haiti and the US. Rose-Marie is James and Julia Lockhart Professor Emeritus for Research and Creative Endeavor and former Chair of the Department of Anthropology at the State University of New York at Geneseo. Her research and applied work include community development, community health, women’s health, peasant organizations and livelihood.